Sunday, October 19, 2008

Homework #1

There are 2 topics for homework. Both must be answered in your blog:

1. Reflecting about today's class: Today we discussed the Japanese concept of "wrapping". Do you agree with the web site's description?What do you do that can be called "wrapping"? Give examples and reasons for your actions.

Coming from America, I do somewhat agree that "wrapping" is quite common in Japan. Saying this, I do not mean that "wrapping" is not present in America, I just mean that it is not as prevalent.

One of the main examples of "wrapping" that I immediately thought of was the "wrapping" of food and other goods in Japanese stores. Food is very neatly placed and "wrapped", for example a bento box. Also, boxes of other kinds of food or sweets are "wrapped" very neatly. After buying something in many stores, the store worker will seal the bag with a piece of tape before giving it to you.

Another example of "wrapping" that I thought about was the image that most Japanese people "wrap" their emotions. From my impression and experience, Japanese people tend to try and not show emotion and feelings. This may or may not be true, it was just an opinion I created after being around Japanese friends and living in Japan for a while.

2. Preparation for the next class "Death and Funerals" Answer these questions in your blog;
a. Where do you go when you die?

I think this question can be answered in many different ways depending on what each persons beliefs are. I think that people go to heaven after they pass away.

b. Explain why do Japanese have death memorial services 1 month, 1 year, 3 years, 7 years, etc. after a person's death?

I am not sure if it is true, but I have heard that in Japan, odd numbers are lucky and even numbers are bad. For example, the number four is bad. I am guessing that in Japan death memorial services are held on odd number periods of time for good luck?

1 comment:

chai said...

I agree with your idea that we Japanese wrap our emotions. If someone express everything that he/she thought, people could thing the person is rude or even selfish. We put importance on cooperation with the others especially when we work for certain thing together, and we don't want to be isolated, so we tend to keep our own feelings under.