Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Homework #3

1. Do you judge people according to what they wear? Why?

Yes, I usually judge someone I do not know by the clothes they are wearing. If someone is wearing a school uniform, I can guess that they are a high school or junior high school student. If someone is wearing a business suit, I can guess that they are a businessman or business woman. When people wear certain types of clothes, it gives off a certain impression. If you are wearing torn up jeans and a dirty shirt, either you do not care what others think of you or you want to give that impression. On the the other hand, if you are wearing designer brand named clothing, you probably want to give off the impression of status and style.

2 Do you think Japanese society puts an importance on clothing when judging other people from another country?

I am not sure if this is true or not... I think when people are exposed to people from a different culture, the first impression of the other person is their appearance.

3. What colors are you wearing now? Do they reflect your mood?

Right now I am wearing a blue and gray shirt, gray pants, and black shoes. I do not think it reflects my mood.

Next week we will discuss friends, please prepare by answering the following questions:
1. What are some subjects that you will never discuss with a friend?

I have a few friends that I can literally discuss anything with. Other than those few people, there are many topics that I would not discuss with others. I would usually not discuss certain aspects of my personal life and things like salary/money. In my opinion, I think that if you are not really really good friends with someone, you would not usually discuss things that make you feel embarrassed because of the fear that the person you are talking to will judge you or look at you in a different way.

2. Do you have different friends for different parts of your life? If so, how are they different to you? Do you talk about different things? Go to different places? Give me some examples.

Yes, I have friends for different parts of my life. I have a few best friends that I can tell anything to, I have friends that I just hang out with but do not discuss things on a personal level, I have friends from my part-time job, etc.

These people are all different in my life but they are all very important. When I really need to talk to someone about something important or if I am going through a rough time, I will go to one or all of my best friends to talk about it. When I hang out with my other friends, we go to the beach or go out to eat but we do not talk about very personal subjects, we usually just joke around. I also have friends that I made at my summer part-time job. These are people that I work with and get along with but we do not hang out much outside of work.


TJ : ) said...

hi this is tara and jojo and we have a webshow!!!!! can u pleaseeeeeeeee go to our site and comment on sumthin pleeeeeeeeesssseeee!!! You can watch our awesome videos that we post up every week!! You can see our latest videos on our site every week!! It’s a pretty cool site! im srry if we r freaking u out but we really need more veiwers and dont be afraid 2 tell ur friends!!

chai said...

I also have friends who I can talk about pretty much anything and friends who I just hang out with. Like you said, they are all important for me.

Back Near said...

I thought your answer is correct and I didn't felt cultural differences. But I felt sexual differences from "I would usually not discuss certain aspects of my personal life and things like salary/money". Because, I think most of woman talk about our detail of personal life to our friends(^^)

bits said...

I have friends for different parts of my life,too! I can spend good long time with just my best friends. But spending with all friens important to me. If my friend was in trouble, I would help them.

Blogger said...

I think so too.
I usually judge someone according to what they wear.I think clothes are good stuff to judge people.