Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Homework #5


1. Time is money.

To me this means, if you waste time, you are also wasting money. For example, if you are working for a business and you just sit around all day, you are not contributing or making any money for the company.

2. A stitch in time saves nine.

I think this means that you should deal with problems early before they become bigger problems. If you have one small problem and you do not fix it, slowly it will get bigger and bigger and more difficult to solve.

3. There's no time like the present.

I am not really sure what this means but my interpretation is that the present (right now) is very special and important and people should appreciate it. Every event/moment/etc. is unique and it can never happen again...

4. Let's meet at 4. If I'm not there by 5, leave without me at 6, and I'll be there at 7.

I have actually never heard this proverb before. I think this just deals with human nature and the fact that time is something that just seems to pass very quickly so it is difficult to match time/schedules with someone else. Honestly though, I have no idea what it means!


Since I was a child, I heard that it is bad luck if a black cat crosses your path while you are walking. I have also heard that it is bad luck to walk under a ladder or to whistle at night.


Back Near said...

I didn't understand most of superstitions until I saw your answer. And I really think there are various opinion whenever I read your answer!!

chai said...

I also heard that it's bad luck if I see a black cat crossing a road while I'm walking. I think it's interesting that many culture have the same superstition.

no.1-jm said...

I didn't know "it is bad luck to walk under a ladder". some superstitutions are same. I would like to know more different superstitutions.

CREA said...

Black cat is known as symbol of unlucky in Japan, too.

Blogger said...

I was a littele surpprised about No1, because I think this mean is time is the most important thing.

bits said...

I think your answer is true!
Because I agree it is difficult to match time or schedules with some one else.