Friday, July 17, 2009

Homework - Family Life

1. When do children usually leave home?

I think that this answer differs from person to person and family to family. My guess is that children usually leave home at about age 18 or when they graduate from high school. My sister and I both moved away from home when we entered college. At the same time, I have many friends in Hawaii that stayed in Hawaii for school and never moved out from their parent’s house.

2. How many people live in your home?

Right now, only my mother and father live at my home in Hawaii. Although, I will move back home soon so it will be three people.

3. Do you have a head of the family?

Yes, my father is the head of the family. He works very hard and handles all of the financial business for my family.

4. Who does the housework?

My mother does all of the housework. She cooks, cleans the whole house, works in the garden, etc. Although, since a few years ago, she has made my father start washing dishes, haha.

5. Who runs the family?

I think my father is the head of the family but my mother is definitely the person who runs the family. My mother is retired but she is quite busy. She does all of the grocery shopping and errands and also all of the housework like I mentioned above. She also cooks for my grandmother and drives her to her appointments.

6. How many rooms do you have to sleep in?

There are five rooms to sleep in. My parent’s room, my sister’s room, my room, the guest room, and an extra room with a bed (I am not really sure what to call this room.)


buck said...

hi Gareth :0]
is it common house that has a guest room in your country??


I think you have good family.
I envy you.