Wednesday, July 1, 2009

July 6th BBQ

Hello everyone, I am very sorry but I have misplaced the sign-up sheet with the volunteers names and email addresses on it. If you signed up to make potato salad, set-up, cook/serve food, or clean up, please leave me a comment!

For those volunteering to make potato salad, you may bring it to my office anytime from 9:00. If I am not in my office, you may leave it in the refrigerator in my office. My office is in the Bungakukan on the 3rd floor next to Walmsley senseis office.

For those volunteering to set-up, please meet at my office at 10:15.

For those who signed up to cook/serve food, please leave me a comment and I will let you know where to meet.

For those who signed up to clean up, please stay at the BBQ and help Jennifer and I clean up from 1:00.

Thank you very much!


buck said...

hello Gareth :)
i signed up to serve food, please let me know when and where i should be..

pepper mint said...

I will be able to clean up from 1:00.