Friday, January 23, 2009

Homework - Men and Women

Do you agree or disagree with the author (who is Japanese)? Please explain why in your blog.

I disagree with certain parts of the article and agree with other parts. To be honest, I do not think that it is just men who are "retreating" from loving relationships, I think women are as well. I know quite a few of my guy friends and girl friends that want to have a long-term, steady girl/boyfriend but they cannot seem to find one.

In the article, the writer brought up a story about Michiyo and how she confessed her love to her co-worker only to be turned down. The article said that, "Michiyo is smart, attractive and sexy." I do not think Michiyo's co-worker disliked her, I think that he did not want to mix his personal life with his professional life. For example, I have a Japanese friend working for a company in Kyoto. He said that he does not want to date or have a relationship between anyone in his office because if things do not work out, they would have to see each other everyday and it may cause problems at work.

I am not sure about in Japan, but in Hawaii, it seems like women are always being pursued. Maybe American people are more open when it comes to relationships/dating? I am not sure.

As it said in the article, They (men) live for "shigoto (jobs)" and "shumi (hobbies)." This seems to be true. Before getting married, having kids, etc. many of my friends, myself included, want to enjoy going out and hanging out with friends, and having fun. As we get get older, I think everything will settle down.

There was a quote from a man that was interviewed for the article and it said, "Girls are a hassle, they expect me to call, I have to buy them gifts and that would cost money." Men should not be generalized from that one person. Not all men would consider those things as being a hassle and not all women expect those things.

Also, the article was written three years ago, I was wondering if things have changed since then?


no.1-jm said...

I think so too. this story is about not only men. I think it depends. by the way, I just thought "I see" about your friend in Kyoto. I'm a woman, but I don't want date or have a relationship with co-worker. Because, if trouble comes, make us feel embarrassed. I've heard in Japan a few companies outlaw office dating.
I think it's too much, but we should think job and dating separately.

chai said...
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chai said...

I agree with you. I also don't think all men would consider calling or giving gifts to their girlfriends as being a hassle and not all women expect those things.

Blogger said...

I agree with you.
I also think this article is not talking about only men.